Motorcycle Head Design “Red Mask Avatar”

Here is my 1st fibered Mask design for my Motorcycle Raider J Pro. It was patterned to the Jabbawockeez mask, Philippine made. But it was added with a pharaoh like cap and an ear of an elf.   The Transformer Auto Bots Logo and the Superman Logo decals are just an added View. The halogen… Continue reading Motorcycle Head Design “Red Mask Avatar”

Motorcycle Head Design “Ninjator”

Most of the motorcycle enthusiast modifying their motorcycle from the standard designs. Here is a prototype design which are combined by the artistic design of my brother Arnel Bantilan and me. The design is a predator like head combine with a ninja mask. Which we call the “NINJATOR MASK”     The original Raider J… Continue reading Motorcycle Head Design “Ninjator”

How to Jailbreak 4.3.2 iPod/iPhone using Redsn0w 0.9.6b14

Do you have iPod 4/iPhone 4 with the latest update 4.3.2 ? Jailbreak Developer Musclenerd has released its new update for redsnow version 0.9.6b14 compatible for 4.3.2 IOS update. Below are the Step by Step jailbreak installation for your iPod/iPhone: 1. Download this IOS update from Apple Server, select your device: iPhone 4 – iPhone3,1_4.3.2_8H7_Restore.ipsw… Continue reading How to Jailbreak 4.3.2 iPod/iPhone using Redsn0w 0.9.6b14

Dota 6.70c AI Plus Download Released

To all DOTA Gamers on Gensan, you can now download the latest AI map of Dota Warcraft III hosted via The awaited Dota 6.70c AI maps includes 2 new heroes and 3 new items: Heroes: Tuskar – Skills (Ice shards, snowball, frozen sigil, walrus punch) Phoenix – Skills (Icarus dive, Fire Spirits, Sun Ray,… Continue reading Dota 6.70c AI Plus Download Released

Photography in General Santos City

Photography are becoming trends in General Santos City, there are some seminar and photography events held in Gensan, where newbie photographer and professional photographer come together to learn, practice and expertise their fashion. Sample fun-shots of my friend Nance and her friends taken in Sinawal Gensan. More Pictures from Christine Cloma’s official website at… Continue reading Photography in General Santos City