List of Philippine Exchange Rate as of . cannot guarantee the accuracy of our exchange rate, the following list are provided by CitiBank. Please refer to your money changer, money transfer and bank before doing transaction.
echo winForex(1,’aud’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’sgd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’cad’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’nzd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’hkd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’bnd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’twd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’rsd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’kwd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’tnd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’dzd’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’eur’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’sar’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’pkr’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’lbp’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’mxn’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’jpy’,’php’).”
echo winForex(1,’jod’,’php’).”
This Exchange Rate are provided by Citibank Feed.
This is good information for anyone..
Statistic List of Exchange Rate will be available Soon!
I to a degree agree with the above mentined , I just can not describe why! Its a sense I believe.