Google Summer Solstice (June 22, 2011)

Summer Solstice or First Day of Summer occurs this year at 1:16 p.m. EDT. This marks the time where the sun’s rays are direct overhead at 23.5 degrees north latitude or known as Tropic Cancer. For north equator areas, June 21 is the longest daylight period and shortest night period of the year, and the… Continue reading Google Summer Solstice (June 22, 2011)

Google Roger Hargreaves 76th Birthday (May 9, 2011)

Today is the 76th Birthday of Roger Hargreaves an author and illustrator of children’s book. All of Rogers books are simply, colorful, silly and hand drawn, with a sales of over 80 million worldwide and became a popular culture for over 20 years. Roger Hargreaves passed away after suffering from massive stroke last 1992. Some… Continue reading Google Roger Hargreaves 76th Birthday (May 9, 2011)